

Iconic Landmarks in Burgas – The PIER

By | September 20th, 2016|Categories: News|

“Going to Burgas and not seeing the Pier is like going to Rome and not seeing the Pope” –this is what any local person will tell you if you ask them about the most emblematic place in Burgas and this reply will not be just empty boasting. Almost every walk in Burgas ends in a walk [...]

Places to visit in Burgas. The cathedral church “Saints Cyril and Methodius”

By | September 20th, 2016|Categories: News|

The cathedral church “Saints Cyril and Methodius” is one of the symbols of Burgas and one of the most beautiful churches in the country. The church is located in the city centre, on the Saints Cyril and Methodius Square. It is named after the brother saints, creators of the Slavonic alphabet and missionaries of Christianity among [...]

About Burgas

By | September 20th, 2016|Categories: Events and Promotions, News|

"The sea bring together all things from afar” John Exarch, Bulgarian medieval author To experience Burgas is to experience your dreams. The caress of the salty sea breeze, the scent of the sea, that little bit of quiet, filling the tiny, huddled streets, the smiling eyes welcoming you… This is Burgas – …the city, open to [...]

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